Welcome to the Nottingham HF
Rambling Club.
Please see the latest newsletter for the walks programme.
Coach Rambles: We are running fortnightly coach rambles. They usually range over a wider area including Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Staffordshire, South Yorkshire and Leicestershire and they maybe linear or circular walks.
Car/Public Transport Rambles: These will be circular walks on a Wednesday, twice a month comprising of a morning walk of about 4-5 miles, located in the Nottinghamshire area, often followed by lunch in a pub or cafe. Sometimes, however in the summer months planned walks may be longer and further afield, equivalent to a medium walk of 7-8 miles with a picnic lunch.
Occasional walkers through Meetup however, are very welcome.
For membership and an application form and all other enquiries either;
Telephone the Club Secretary : (0115) 925 6213
or.. e-mail: secretary@nottinghamhframblingclub.org.uk